Liturgy.io helps classical Christians have a fuller prayer life. With a single click, it will dynamically create a prayer service for personal use appropriate to the time of day and appropriate to the denominational tradition (or lack thereof). Simply go to the type of service you're interested in praying and click on the "Current Service." For example, to pray the current "House Liturgy of the Hours" , click here .
To navigate the site, please click on the links on the left (if you're on a regular computer) or click on the ☰ symbol on the top right (if you're on a mobile device). Please note that the navigation links change for each section and for each service. This allows you to pick a different service or even a service for a different day. For example, after clicking on the Current House Prayers , you'll notice that the links have changed, allowing you to refresh the service with your current time, see the morning or evening service (if you missed one), or even select another date and time (if you missed a day).
- A full Morning and Evening prayer service for most traditions. Each service contains readings from the Psalter (Psalms) along with one reading from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament, in addition to any other content appropriate to the tradition.
- An option for praying the "Liturgy of the Hours" (aka, the "eight traditional liturgical hours") for many traditions. "The Hours" involve not only morning and evening prayers, but prayers at the traditional hours of prayer recorded in Scripture like the third Hour (9 AM), the sixth hour (noon), and ninth (3 PM) hour.
- A monthly, sixty day, or weekly Psalter reading schedule covering all 150 Psalms.
- A yearly or two year lectionary (aka, a Bible reading plan). The yearly goes through the entire Old Testament once a year and the entire New Testament twice a year. The two year lectionary goes through the New Testament once a year and the Old Testament once every two years. These same lectionaries are used by all traditions.
- A daily listing of the readings for the day for people who prefer to follow the reading schedule offline or with their own Bibles.
- A House Morning & Evening Service and a House Liturgy of the Hours for Christians not of any particular tradition who are not opposed to some extra-Biblical content such as creeds or classic prayers.
We currently offer services for the following options:
- 1662 Book of Common Prayer Morning & Evening prayers
- The Anglican Breviary (Liturgy of the Hours) [Currently Only the Ordinary].
- The Low Anglican Breviary (Liturgy of the Hours) [Currently Only the Ordinary].
- A New Calendar Orthodox Horologion (Liturgy of the Hours)
- An Old Calendar Orthodox Horologion (Liturgy of the Hours)
- A Basic (Abbreviated) New Calendar Orthodox Horologion (Liturgy of the Hours)
- A Basic (Abbreviated) Old Calendar Orthodox Horologion (Liturgy of the Hours)
Evangelical & Bible-Only
[Non-Denominational, Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ, Mainline Protestant, etc.]
- Evangelical Morning & Evening Prayers
- Evangelical Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Bible-Only Morning & Evening Prayers
- Short Bible-Only Morning & Evening Prayers
- Simple Bible-Only Morning & Evening Prayers
- High Evangelical Morning & Evening Prayers
- High Evangelical Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Lutheran Daily Prayers (Morning, Noon, Evening, & Close of Day)
- Lutheran Morning & Evening Prayers (based on Luther's Small Catechism)
- Lutheran House Morning & Evening Prayers
- Lutheran House Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Lutheran Small Catechism Prayers
[General Reformed, Presbyterian, Reformed Baptist, United Reformed, etc]
- Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers
- Reformed Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- General Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers
- General Reformed Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Presbyterian Morning & Evening Prayers
- Presbyterian Morning & Evening Prayers with Double Confessions
- Presbyterian Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Presbyterian Hours with Double Confessions (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Reformed Baptist Morning & Evening Prayers
- Reformed Baptist Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- United Reformed Morning & Evening Prayers
- United Reformed Hours (Liturgy of the Hours)
- Unfortunately we do not currently have any Catholic services. For more information, please go here .
News & Updates
For the latest news on the site, including site updates, please visit our Patreon site.
This site was created for various types of classical or orthodox Christians.
- Those who prefer to read their Bible or say their prayers on a mobile device or computer.
- Those who desire a fuller prayer life, but are not sure how to do so within their tradition (or lack thereof).
- Those who are unwilling or unable to carry around a load of liturgical books, but who still desire a full prayer life.
- Those who, for various reasons, are forced to be online for long periods of time, but who still want to be able to incorporate scheduled and organized hourly or daily prayer services into their life.
As such, liturgy.io will automatically display the current prayer service for whatever time it is and for whatever tradition we support. The goal is to help Christians all of sorts of different traditions to immerse themselves in the Psalms and the whole body of Scripture itself. We encourage Christians who are a part of a denominational tradition to explore their tradition's services. We encourage Christians who are not a part of a denominational tradition to learn to pray the Bible using an Evangelical or "Bible-Only" services . Finally, we encourage Christians of all stripes to explore what other types of Christians do and how they pray.
Please note that this site is purposely opinionated and will make some decisions regarding the services that may differ from your particular denomination or tradition. Although we generally try to remain faithful to the traditions, we sometimes have to make some changes. Some changes have to do with necessary adaptions to an online format and others have to do with copyright issues. Please see the FAQ for general info and the appropriate denominational section for details.